1781 AD
Castlevania: Nocturne: Season 1
Season 1:
VaublancA evil master vampire and follower of the coming vampire Messiah. Vaublanc spent years controlling the slave population of the Carribean before having his power overthrown. He hopes to regain his true power under the leadership of the Messiah. was a slave owner in Saint-Domingue, a French colony in the Caribbean. Among his many slaves were EstherMother of Annette, Esther was a slave owned by Vaublanc. Likely she wasn't raised a slave as she still had strong connections to her heritage and religions, two things Vaublanc desperately wanted to wipe away. and her young daughter, AnnetteThe sister (well, "sister") of Maria Renard. Her exact familial connection to other characters is confused by bad translations across the Western games. She was then reinvented completely for the Netflix series.. Esther, while an owned slave, was also a minor practitioner of voodoo, a tradition carried on from her ancestors. She’d set up wards and spells of protection around their hut, hoping to keep herself and Annette safe from the slave owner who she knew was also a vampire. His laws were clear: no magic, no dances, no songs. Nothing that connected his slaves to their old magic.
After Annette, playing in the road, was almost run down by one of Vaublanc’s men, the vampire lord came to Esther’s hut. Hearing her sing a lullaby to Annette, he flies into a rage, trashing their hut, revealing the spells she had set up. Their magical charms did no good, though, as Vaublanc dragged the women outside, raging at her. As young Annette watched, Vaublanc broke her mother’s neck, instantly killing her. This act, though, awoke the old magic within Annette, and became the trigger point for the woman she would become…
Episodes Referenced
- Castlevania: Nocturne: Season 1:
- "Freedom was Sweeter"
Important Information
As with many of the years for the anime’s chronology, 1781 AD is our best guess for when these events take place. We know there’s a time jump from this event to the next set of sequences in Annette’s life, ten years passing between, and then those events lead up directly to when she joins the other heroes in the main part of the series. If we assume a year passes then, and the main events take place in 1792 AD, then moving backwards through known time gets us a probable date of 1781 AD. But, likely, there’s some wiggle room on this.