1791 AD
Castlevania: Nocturne: Season 1
Season 1:
Ten years after the death of her mother, Esther, a teenaged Annette was dragged out into the central yard of Vaublanc’s plantation. He intended to brand her, to make her his property fully. But the fear of the hold brand, and the anger that had been bubbling up within her for years unleashed. She instinctively formed swords from the earth around her, cutting the brand in two. But it wasn’t fear that Annette saw in Vaublanc’s face, but amusement mixed with a bit of anger. He told her to run so his men could give chase, and Annette knew her life was on the line.
So she fled, out of the plantation and into the nearby city. She bumped past citizens and looked for a place to hide, eventually sneaking into the opera house. There she saw Edouard, up on stage, singing to a gathered crowd. She hid behind a chair, hoping no one would notice her, but Vaublanc’s dogs had her scent and they followed her in. The barking of the dogs, though, ruined the performance and Edouard stopped, chastising Vaublanc for interrupting. The vampire lord wanted his “property”, but he decided he could wait.
Sneaking into the back, Annette hid in Eduoard’s dressing room. But he wasn’t mad to see her. The opera singer actually ran the underground railroad for the island, and he helped her sneak up into the mountains. There she gathered with others of her clan, and under the tutelage of Cecile, Annette learned to grow and hone her powers. She became a force, a voodoo warrioress, and when the time came months later, she helped lead the charge to free the slaves of Saint-Domingue and end the French colony on the island.
After the victory, though, Cecile had a vision, a coming darkness brought on by a vampire Messiah. She instructed Annette that she was the only one strong enough to help defeat the coming vampire threat, and bade the girl to get on a ship and head for France, to find “The Belmont” and help him fight against this false Messiah. Edouard, now her close friend and ally, elected to go with Annette and fight by her side. They knew the risk they were taking, that one or both might die, but the threat was too great to ignore. Both warriors bought passage on a ship and set off for the Old World, to fight and be the heroes they were meant to be.
Episodes Referenced
- Castlevania: Nocturne: Season 1:
- "Freedom was Sweeter"