While evil seems to be lurking around every corner in the Netflix CastlevaniaFor years Hollywood attempted to make a Castlevania movie, but it was only with the intervention of Netflix, and the creativity of Frederator Studios, that an anime adaptation (in any form) finally took shape. universe, there is also the shining light of goodness ready to come forth. All it needs are heroes willing to fight for what's right and just. Warriors come from unlikely places and no one would have expected that an opera singer, seemingly pampered and well-to-do, would be a hero ready to fight true evil.
And yet, in Edouard, that's exactly where the light finds a champion. A singer by trade, Edouard also ran an underground railroad for slaves, aiding them in their escape from the Carribean plantations to safety in the world beyond. It through this service that he meets AnnetteThe sister (well, "sister") of Maria Renard. Her exact familial connection to other characters is confused by bad translations across the Western games. She was then reinvented completely for the Netflix series., a very special and powerful woman, who he promises to aid. It's what's right and must be done.
But Annette is powerful enough that Edouard comes to believe in her and her gifts, and instead of remaining "just" an opera singer he, instead, joins her in her mission, leaving what he knows behind to venture to Paris to stop the coming vampire Messiah. But what he finds there could be a different kind of mission then he could have ever envisioned.
And through it all he remains a hero, his inner goodness aiding in his mission to fight for the light. He's a hero like the others in the series even if he seems the most unlikely of them all.
Character History:
Castlevania: Nocturne
Born a freeman, Edouard was one of the few in Saint-Domingue, in the Caribbean, to be both a person of color and yet free. The island had many sugar and tobacco plantations, which meant a lot of slaves and not many free Black men. But not only had he been born free, Edouard was a prized talent, renowned for his operatic singing voice. He entranced the nobles of Saint-Domingue with his music, and that gave him some level of status among them.
But Edouard wasn’t one of them, and he knew it. So he worked behind the scenes, helping runaway slaves find freedom up in the mountains of the island. When one such slave, Annette, snuck into his performance while trying to get away from her owner, the vampire VaublancA evil master vampire and follower of the coming vampire Messiah. Vaublanc spent years controlling the slave population of the Carribean before having his power overthrown. He hopes to regain his true power under the leadership of the Messiah., Edouard interceded, stopping the vampire from searching the opera house while protecting Annette from capture.
Later, in his dressing room, he explained to the girl who he was and what he did behind the scenes. He helped her escape, to meet up with her people in the mountains. He watched her get training in the magic she held within, powerful voodoo magic she could use to fight for herself, for her freedom, and against the vampires. He provides aid and support, and the two become fast friends.
Months later, they work together, along with all their freed kin, to battle against the slave owners and free the island from French rule. It’s a hard won victory, but one that was worth the cost. But while celebrating, Annette’s voodoo trainer, Cecile, gets a vision of a coming darkness. A vampire Messiah will be born in France and Annette has to go and lend her aid with the heroes there to fight against this evil. Edouard, ever her faithful friend, joins on the quest, not wanting to leave her side. So they venture off together, across the ocean, to France to find a hero named “Belmont” who will, apparently, be pivotal in the coming battle.
Travelling with his friend and companion, Annette, Edouard arrives in Paris in search of the Belmont. But instead of a hero they find is Richter BelmontRevealed first in Castlevania Dracula X: Rondo of Blood in Japan, and then Castlevania: Dracula X in the West, Richter is the Belmont hero of the late 1700s who worked with Maria Renard to bring down Dracula., a powerful warrior who seems a little too detached from concerns about freedom and justice. Still, Edouard had faith that he was the man they needed, so he and Annette allied themselves with Richter and his cousin, a powerful warrior in her own right, Maria RenardA young heroine, and cousin to Richter Belmont, with the blood of the Belmont clan in her veins, Maria teams with Richter to fight back Dracula and the forces of darkness in the late 1700s..
Learning that the vampires gathered at the estate of the Marquis and MarchionessIn the time of Revolutionary France, the nobility is under siege by the pesantry. It just so happens that the nobility, led by the Marquis and Marchionesse, are vampires, and they fear the loss of power. So they join with the coming vampire Messiah to ensure their own rule., Edouard Went with his companions to investigate, to see just how powerful the vampires had become. But when Annette spotted her old slavemaster, Vaublanc, the vampire became aware of the watching heroes. He warned the hosts of the vampire party, and suddenly Edouard and his friends had to run. The vampires pursued, and while the others escaped, Edouard wasn't so lucky, pulled back by the vampires to be their next meal.
Dead and lifeless, his corpse was thrown on a pile along with many others. These bodies were then taken to the AbbotHead of the Paris church in the time of the French Revolution. He's initially presented as a helpful ally, but secretly he's working with the vampires to ensure the rise of their coming Messiah., who used the corpses in a demon forge to turn them into night creatures. Eduard was fed in and emerged as a tall, winged beast. But despite this transformation some seed of goodness lingered within the monster. This was expressed when, sent on a mission with other night creatures to fight the vampire hunters, the newly transformed Edouard couldn’t hurt his friend. Instead he fought off the other night creatures to save Annette.
This led to him getting dragged back to the Church by the other monsters. Locked up, Edouard was studied by the Abbot. He was the Abbot’s creation, the forgemaster reasoned, so the demon should have been obeying his orders… yet he was not. The Abbot chained Edouard up and threw him in a cell until there was time to rip the demon apart and see why he was fighting.
And there Edouard remained until, days later, Annette and her companions found a way into the crypts of the Church to find Edouard. She saw him and realized he was still inside the demonic body. She found that she couldn’t kill him, but when the other night creatures, and a few vampires, came to battle the encroaching vampire hunters, Annette and her companions fled. But she promised she’d be back to save him, one way or another.
This article is currently incomplete. More information will be added shortly.