Cécile Fatiman
Power carries forward. Castlevania is a franchise about generations. Early in the run of games we thought that Simon BelmontThe first hero of the Castlevania series (by release date), he's been featured in more games, and referenced more times, than almost any other character in the series. was the only hero, but this was quickly dispelled as the Game Boy games introduced Christopher BelmontThe second ever Belmont, and second hero, revealed in the series, Christopher predated Simon by 100 years within the series Chronology, even if American sources struggled to get the lineage straight., Simon’s ancestor, and then the third mainline game of the series, Castlevania III: Dracula's CurseThe third, and final, NES entry for the series, Dracula's Curse returned the series to its roots with a more traditional adventure. But it also added in branching paths, multiple characters, and new hero Trevor Belmont., added in another, Trevor BelmontThe third Belmont revealed in the release history of the franchise, Trevor's clout among fans has grown. Between love for his first game, and his starring role in the Castlevania anime, Trevor is perhaps even more popular now than even Simon.. Soon we had Belmonts up and down the generational timeline, showing us that the fight against DraculaThe lead antagonist of the Castlevania series and most famous vampire character in all media, all thanks to Bram Stoker. Based on the historical figure Vlad the Impaler, a vicious ruler of Wallachia in the mid-1500s., and all vampires, was a story that would never end.
But there were other heroes as well, those who came into their power naturally and those who had to earn it. Students of the mystical arts who, very often, needed training. They would get it from parents, from mentors, from teachers, seeking to keep the power going forward so knowledge wasn’t lost. And when a prospective student was powerful enough, they were trained up to carry on the mission, to fight the good fight, to battle against the vampires.
That was how Cécile Fatiman gained AnnetteThe sister (well, "sister") of Maria Renard. Her exact familial connection to other characters is confused by bad translations across the Western games. She was then reinvented completely for the Netflix series. as a student. The girl was powerful, untrained but with natural talent unrivaled by those around her. Seeing a girl who had a connection to the raw elements of voodoo, who could use her power and was motivated to fight against evil, there was no other choice. The power, the knowledge had to carry forward, so Cécile took her in to get her ready. Evil had to be stopped, at all costs.
Character History:
Castlevania: Nocturne
Once a slave in the French Caribbean colony of Saint-Domingue, Cécile had previously been a practicing mambo in the voodoo religion. Powerful, she could not have been an easy catch for the slavers who took and sold her. But once she was enslaved, she sought any way to get herself free. She was too powerful to contain, and it wasn’t long before Cécile found her escape.
But staying free was harder. It took a connection, someone that could guide her to safety and help her build a colony. She found that help from EdouardA former opera singer, who also aided in sneaking slaves out of the Carribean plantations, Edouard joined with Annette on a mission to stop the coming vampire Messiah. Unfortunately he was captured by the vampires and turned into a night creature soon after arriving in Paris., an opera singer of some renown in the island. He was a freeborn Black man, but he recognized that his brethren were in chains and he had to help them. When Cécile escaped, Edouard gave her passage in the underground railroad he had set up, moving her up into the mountains where the slavers didn’t think to look. And once Cécile was there, she and Edouard freed more slaves and built their hidden colony up with the power to defend itself.
Later, Edouard brought a newly escaped slave, Annette, to the hidden group. Annette had just escaped her master, the evil vampire VaublancA evil master vampire and follower of the coming vampire Messiah. Vaublanc spent years controlling the slave population of the Carribean before having his power overthrown. He hopes to regain his true power under the leadership of the Messiah., and needed safe haven. But within the girl Cécile powerful magic, a natural connection to the voodoo spirits. She helped train the girl, getting her to hone her power, so that she could be ready for the coming fight ahead. Cécile didn’t just want to be hidden away in the mountains, she wanted Saint-Domingue to be free, for all the slaves within to break their chains. And when Annette was ready, under Cécile’s guidance, she led the charge and overthrew the French officials that ruled the colony, shaking off the chains of French oppression.
But the celebration was short lived as, soon after, Cécile had a vision. A great and terrible vampire Messiah was soon to be born, in Paris, France. This Messiah would cloak the world in darkness and it would take the combined power of a group of heroes to stop them. Cécile realized Annette was one of those heroes, and the vision she had said that Annette had to go to Paris and find “The Belmont”, and that together they would fight, and defeat, the coming evil. She told Annette what she had to do, and then Cécile watched as her charge, her student, packed up onto a boat and shipped off for the Old World.
While in Paris, Annette eventually contacts Cécile for guidance. She’s lost and confused, angry at Richter BelmontRevealed first in Castlevania Dracula X: Rondo of Blood in Japan, and then Castlevania: Dracula X in the West, Richter is the Belmont hero of the late 1700s who worked with Maria Renard to bring down Dracula. for not being as grand a hero as she was promised. She wants to know why she’s there, what she’s supposed to do with Edouard gone and her allies unreliable. Cécile, though, comforts the girl and assures her that she’s on the right path. She has to listen to herself, to her power, and to her ancestors and gain guidance from within. Everyone runs, everyone lets others down, but it’s what they do afterwards that truly matters. Annette needs to be patient and prepare because the real battle is coming and she must be ready for it, with the support of her allies.
This article is currently incomplete. More information will be added shortly.