is the Castlevania Attic's opened doors. Everyday-the gates open by every change,
and there is not enough time to see how The Castlevania Attic was and now how
it stands. But, soon you shall discover the truth of The Castlevania Attic's
paths and their purposes. Til' then...
The Castlevania Attic has been opened
ever since 2/03/02 where The Cryptkeeper has left The
Castlevania Basement on the end of Janruary to start a new home for this
large domain, and made a start to an updating record ever since the 27th of
February, 2002. The Castlevania Attic has made another turn from leaving it's
second home-Trellix Web, to the infamous Inverted Dungeon on that start of May
5th, 2002.
Now, it's where all the real fun comes in!
9/14/03 - Just abit of news and a humor sent by Kenneth =)... I've been making
a new site which inherits of Bloodlust, called Demon
Castle 64. Enjoy it while you still can... Next update, Aria's going to
be updated and I'll open up the Lament of Innocence section. Til' then.
8/11/03 - Jeez, it's been a month because of full work here. I've fixed up the
titles of these pages after the year count. So, I hope you keep looking, because,
don't worry, The Castlevania Attic will still succeed. Til' then.
7/17/03 - Everyone, if you're looking/listening, then I'm sorry I haven't made
a decent update. Work, going out, constructing on the other sites, and yatta
yatta yatta. I'm hoping to continue as quick as possible for The Castlevania
Attic. Well, I updated the AoS section, and we're almost towards the end with
the souls... and once I'm done there, it'll be another hallejujah. Fixed up
the forum, and I'm hoping to do more to it. Added in the greatness to the rom
of Castlevania: Opposing Bloodlines II. Look around at The Castlevania Gameroom,
folks. Til' then.
6/19/03 - I added in humor by Redrum :). I got the logos revamped. I made the
walkthrough for the Chapel at the AoS section, and I'm added in a link of Zelda
Palace 2000. Hope you guys keep looking through. I wish siblings of mines had
no interference upon my Internet, so I don't have as much time to upload here
:(. Well, the other sites need attention, so I'm off. Til' then.
6/12/03 - I updated the AoS Souls page, and put
in more humor... again...
6/9/03 - It's been a while since I've had a construction on the site since I
have had school and decided I shouldn't distract myself to going to work on
The Attic. But, I end school at 6/11, so it's two more days... Well, the new
stuff that has happened on The Attic was more humor,
and the creation of the Aria of Sorrow Souls page.
Check it!... I'll put the animations & walkthrough...
5/20/03 - I got the walkthrough of the Castle Corridor made right down on the
schedule. Plus, I got the animation of a few enemies based on Aria of Sorrow
in there. Now, this is where I must keep going on the LoD site and Altered Beast
for a while... Sorry, guys. Yeah, school's been killing me, and I gotta get
grades up, so it's gotta wait. Wish me luck. Don't want to repeat my grade and
turn up to not use the Internet. Til' then.
5/10/03 - Having The Minds of the Vampire Killers section
up plus Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow released, I have an Aria of Sorrow section
up, and have two sections placed up - Storyline &
Characters. Plus, I got quite the good amount of
animation on a few of the main characters, as I should get the enemies and stuff
started. Wish me luck. Til' then.
5/03/03 - I just made fixed up The CV Gameroom section,
having more flash to it, knaah I'm sayin'? We got more games in, and a demo
to be placed by Red Rum of his new featuring hack where people are dying to
play - Castlevania: Opposing Bloodlines II. Plus I placed nice humor for The
CV Crackups, check it out.
4/27/03 - F***, I havn't made an update in quite a while >_<. Eh, siblings
& ToB business. So, I hear you guys are starting to really like it. Also,
some friends starting to get quite bored of it ¬_¬. Don't worry, we'll
have two more sections up soon ^_^. Moving along, I got NICE contributions by
Jorge Fuentes concerning Castlevania 64 & Legacy of Darkness. Not to mention,
MIDI files of his that are in the LoD section of The CV Jukebox. I got a new
humor up of the man of the Jackson V himself, Michael, 8)... Put up two new
sections for the The Past to the Present section, having a new Death animation.
Yea, you got the HoD one, and now the SotN one, what more can you ask for? :p
Also put up the ani-gif of Richter's invincibility. You'll like it, or I hope
so. I'll soon have to update The CV Gameroom and soon, you'll have Castlevania
- Opposing Bloodlines II!! Til' then.
4/12/03 - I made the Down the Attic section have a more
dazzle and organization of characterization to itself... I like it really...
I couldn't work on Friday or Saturday since I was at my cousin's house trying
to d/l this NitM... jeez, I'm a black sheep or something... I took four downloads...
9 hours each download... or 8... a.k.a. 24 hours.
4/10/03 - It's now when I want to post of the such Castlevania sites that have
been absent or that have died ever since... it sucks, I know. Unfortunately,
it happens, even when we least expect it. I'll soon be working on these deep
sections, just you wait and see... just making great edits on the links page,
sorry dudes. Later. EDIT: Jeez, I remember about the buttons I was making for
the sections, where last time they placed such disorganization on the size,
unfortunately trying to copy Eric Roman's style. Unfortunately, I failed, so
this time, I put em' button style...100x50, and of course, I successed!!!! It
looks awesome awesome awesome now, check em' out.
3/3/03 - I got John and
Audra's Castlevania Page updated, placed on the Castlevania Destiny, after
remembering John's post on the RSU ... where I can't seem to find a good banner...
and added another hero on The Castlevania Heroes page
- Sypha.
2/22/03 - It's Lecacy Boy's birthday, yay!!!! 14 years of age, he is. E-mail
him at lecacydude@yahoo.com. Other
news, The Castlevania Heroes' page has finally been
updated! Check it out! Lately, I heard about this new PS2 Castlevania coming
out, if you got any details besides the fact that it's coming out on fall, e-mail
me at XKilltotheCoreX@aol.com.
I also found out there is no official site dedicated to Super Castlevania IV
anymore, which gives Gaibon and I a chance to show what we got for it. Read
at this
forum topic. Well, this is short of an update, but I'll keep getting to
it, gotta fix that damn computer. Til' then.
2/6/03 - It's been quite a long while ever since I actually made an update.
As you know, many squat has happened ever since those months...and if you don't
know...you've missed alot. Many things have happened...I can't really say...too
long...and too lazy. I've stopped then going on fixing the website...until the
year of 2003 came along... That's where I'm now making appearances and differences
on The Castlevania Attic...making it's true face and devotion open before your
very eyes! The main page is totally different now...where I'm still fixing up
abit...worry not. Well, let's party!
7/24/02-I placed a minipoll in the main page...hosted by Slogra & Gaibon!
I must thank Berrigan's Chambers
having suitable stuff to make the title, and the background to true appearance,
thanks, Sloggy! Also, I now have a forum of my own ^_^!!! Thanks to the owner
of Vampire Hunter D Bloodlines,
this forum service was heard of, which is absolutely terrific!! Apparently,
when I went to The Castlevania
Dungeon, I saw on the welcome page that there were links right around having
the title, etc. So, I thought a while later, why can't I do that? But, I'm placing
in news to the Castlevania sites having good news & bad news from here on
to the main page
and on Castlevania
Destiny, of course (that's where it says permanently). Unfortunately, The
Verboten X Network is down at the moment, look for more info on the main
page. Well, til' then, fans!
7/18/02- This is a big update, people. The Castlevania Attic
is where it's at! For a first, have to say that The Castlevania Attic has total
control over itself, being changed to Dreamweaver 3, and being transported with
the files by the program-Bulletproof FTP. Made a total change, with the pages
A to Z. My recent banner was accidentally deleted, but luckily I had it saved
on another folder and recovered it earlier. Love the new look at the top? Gotta
love that new horizontal bar we have here :), too. All the pages from Down
The Attic to The
Minds of the Vampire Killers are designed with...skits! Yes, skits, to entertain
you people out there. At first, it may not make sense, but you have to think
about it for a change. The pages even have a sub-title/banner/whatever of a
picture of their own! Unfortunately, the rest of the added pages such as The
Castlevania Heroes, CastleVania Records, ani-gif pages, etc. were reseted as
in have to be worked on again since they contained 'stolen material', but not
to worry, y'know? Still no news on The
Castlevania Gameroom to release of emulators & roms (and doubt it would
be for anytime soon). ALT Tags are now used for credit, if you're a person who
you think you don't have credit for a picture I designed in, look again! Castlevania-Tears
of Blood is now turning active once again, as the advertising page is actually
working ^_^. If you want to join, then simply follow the instructions on the
of Blood page. The
Castlevania Crackups made a big update getting lots more of contributions
and such, check it out! Castlevania
Destiny now has been placed with much more links and has been designed differently
with tables, look at who may be a star! A forum I would have to say that is
friendly, friendly known as The
Blah Blah Round Table gave me the inspiration to go on as so have the Castlevania
Interactive gang, visit sometime! Even this page has update, giving a little
caption to The Castlevania Attic's timeline if you want to put it that way.
Mr.Perfect has honestly helped me alot going through this- visit his site if
you want such information on Castlevania, folks- http://www.vgmuseum.com/mrp/.
All the pictures I had with Trellix Web made them look so funky and pixelated,
being a reason why I changed here;the pictures' names on Trellix Web even changed
the name to something like 23978327923792397239abcd.gif or 1x1.jpg. Really!
So, I deleted them and replaced them with all the clean, directed ones. So,
that means The Castlevania Attic is really soaring up high. I must give thanks
to Castlevania Legacy, The
Verboten X Network, The DCTP,
CV Hell Fire,
Anapan's CV Files,
Castlevania Outer Wall, for
linking to The CV Attic, taking time to show the audience The Castlevania Attic
from it's uprise lately. Thanks, people. Guess this calls it a wrap for now.
I am editing more of The Castlevania Albums. As I see it, my ani-gifs sometimes
looks abit....skinny? I have no other word for you, so I'll be making more contributions
to The Castlevania Legacy once I'm done revising a few of them = |. Back to
The Castlevania Albums, I made a collage title for Kid Dracula, looks cool to
me, and I thank THe CV Dungeon for the picture apparently (concept art?) of
Kid Dracula crossing his arms, thanks, CV Dungeon. I'm doing Trevor Belmont's
at the moment where I must thank Mr. P's Castlevania Realm for having the Castlevania
III:Dracula's Curse and Akumajou Dracula Denetsu (Demon Castle Dracula Legends)
box covers, as I must also give him thanks for lending me the Castlevania: Legacy
of Darkness title. I've been around searching for google and I found many
Castlevania pages....but stolen material!! Course, I must put ALT Text to make
sure that these belong to me or to any other site for credit AND no harm to
the webmaker, so if you're thinking of taking a little titles here and there,
put your cursor right on the title and you'll remember us ;). I am taking screenshots
of the titles, where I once again say that Legacy of Darkness belongs to Mr.P,
and I borrowed The CV Dungeon's Rondo of Blood (temporarily). Jeez, I
gotta tell ya, that game Haunted Castle is real hard!! You oughta try
it, but to know more about it visit: http://www.vgmuseum.com/mrp/
(Mr.P's Castlevania Realm). Til' then, fans.
I edited the IM Window of that guy (is it me?) on Under
the Hood of the Cryptkeeper, and made White Night Concerto ani-gifs
on The Castlevania Heroes of a simple Maxim Quincin one, and a Jeust Belmont
or from what the game says which is pronounced in the Japanese version- Juste
Belmondo ( Heh, Belmondo- going back to
mistake by putting it on the U.S., think they'll do the same? Juste don't do
it, Konami, heheh, just kidding...) I even replaced the Akumajo Dracula X68000
background here with the White Night Concerto's menu page! I'm not kidding with
you, this is the White Night Concerto stuff! It's not bad of a game, but it's
only available in Japan at the time, sorry people. Course, we must horribly
somehow wait for Harmony of Dissonance on August? Are they trying to play with
HAVE THE GAME! ...but what can we do, right?
I fixed up the Raven Reaper gif thingy whatever matcha caller it (heh, just
call it jpg picture =D ) of mine:
I made much more ani-gifs, but who are they from!?? NONE OTHER THAN GRANT &
a little bit more probably, check em out!! ALSO, I MADE A NEW BUTTON FOR MY
(my favorite crew, I haven't played SotN in a long time since my brother let
a friend borrow the PSX, so I didn't show as much memory as appreciation heh).
Yo! heheh, I got meself a couple of Raven Reaper (Who's that? Bahhh..You know
who!!) thoughts on my mind for the creation, so far I made this, but this is
for message board sigs (signatures, not cigarettes):
PSX Animation begins!
I'm doing something new for The
Castlevania Heroes. Yo, check Sonia's out, why don't you? It doesn't
look half-bad to me. Also, I edited most of the people, and have to edit Grant
DaNasty, as Victor Belmont has a new, cool picture. Hope you check em' out.
Next, Kid Dracula! Hope he won't be stubborn to get the pictures >_<..Til'
Moonlight Nocturne is a good song, but never fitted The
Castlevania Attic's main page, so now you have...Akumajo Dracula
X68000's Main Title to fit that for you ; ). I'm editing The Castlevania Albums
and the titles are to be changed where I'm almost done, just need to get a good
picture which I will get of CotM. Down
the Attic's bg has been changed with a screenshot I took off Akumajo
Dracula X68000. Looks cool, eh? I'm too lazy to take that out, like
about 5:00 somewhat around there I got that picure of The Castlevania Heroes
done >). Check it out. I also placed in another humor for ya
; ): Check it out at The Castlevania Crackups!
I put on the "Contact Raven Reaper" image out, you wanna contact me?
Look down to see if you want to..
Added the animated gifs of Trevor Belmont for ya.
I hate it when my computer freezes! I had an essay written down for this date!
Bah, no pain, no gain.... Well, lemme start by saying that this has been
a good update now, even though it's been a month doing it since I had alot of
stuff to do, help with the Castlevania Community, school, you name it. Well,
I know now that my program has page scripts, so I can place html stuff into
it to get the navigation bars of my site... I was to put displays of the
pages right here, but couldn't since I didn't have enough or all of them placed.
I changed the guestbook's theme to a type of Super Castlevania IV type
of theme. Without all those mistakes on the page, the main page looks better
now, just that I'm looking for a different MIDI of Castlevania 64- Intro which
I heard on Laura
Belmont's art page. I changed the text in Down
The Attic, making everything more clearer and making more sense
out of it's ways. I don't think there is anything new in the Jukebox,
except that I found my MIDI of CastleVania- Nothing to Lose. Oh yeah!
Since I am not taking any MP3's being the large size that they are, I
am using program for you guys to listen to The
Castlevania Classics- where I found out in the OverClocked
Remix 3 site. The program is called Meridian Advance. Just
click on The Castlevania Classics title, and you'll find the program which is
real small, and espacially having the soundtracks of CastleVania and CastleVania
II-Simon's Quest, zipped up! In other words, you'll have to have WinZip
if you want to download these stuff which are in nsf format. Bad news,
real bad news in detail for The Gameroom- as you know, emulators and roms are
illegal, and giving that excuse for keeping them for 24 hours will just still
keep it in the way that they're illegal which I was convinced by a few people,
and I'm not saying it's bad- it's thoughtful. The Castlevania Attic would
be down if Nintendo or Konami caught any people with roms to any site including
mines. So, sorry, guys. That's why I'm going to put up more pages
to you people. But, I haven't got to there yet. The Past to the
Present has great ani-gifs covers as that is the page's purpose. I took
a while making these, and I thought of doing this other than just simple text
(no offense). I hope you take a look at the ani-gifs of Simon Belmont
that I made, too. If you want to send any of them for contribution, then please
send them to me at XDeathsSmileX@hotmail.com.
According to my friend, Eric, we are changing the RP idea from chatroom
to message boards, which I haven't updated about that much yet, but I will do
so soon, hope you look there to get all the details. I put up a few links here
and there that are new like Castlevania
Outer Wall, and Castlevania Hell Fire. According to Broken
Alucard's details, he was in the PSM magazine!...or his website's title n' stuff,
that is. I even made their titles, too! Coo, huh? Why don't you take a look
at them in Castlevania
Destiny. I added a new link there which I found about cruising
about Eric Roman's a.k.a. Castlevania III-Dracula's Curse THE PAGE!!! where
I found this new site that has been back known as Berrigan's
Chambers. Check it out, it has it's great info about Slogra,
you Slogra fans out there! The humors, are totally clever and I really
give credit to that! This is a site you can't miss if you thought you could
go through the best CV sites. I'm going to fix up the Continue? (Guestbook
confirmation) page with a Castlevania- CotM type of theme, wait til you see
it when it gets good enough. I got a new page for you lately which is brought
a day ago, known other than The
Castlevania Crackups! It has three humors so far, but it was
to have four since I forgot to get this humor that Sephy gave me, but I will
hopefully get it soon enough. Phew, what an essay, got it done, well- til' then.
Nothing to say much, only that the log has been changed with a few guys being
looked out, but that's all. I know it's lame now, but it's growing...
Yip Yahooooooo!Bravenet!It's back. Wooohoooo. Great, now you can go back to
place your comments of The Castlevania Attic. I also placed the logo in the
page so I hope you find it which is easy to find. See ya later.It's
late, and I must go now so I can't fix up the pages which were messed up during
the incident. Sorry. Bye.
always wanted to do this. Once I went to the VGMuseum,
I thought of doing the same thing for Castlevania!It's late doing this and I
have to go to sleep. I will update this and this will be the logo just like
how VGMuseum
has theirs. I think it looks way awesome. I would REALY REALLY acknowledge getting
these images from Mr.
Perfect's Castlevania Realm. It's awesome, visit it!Eat your heart
out, VGMuseum, The Castlevania Museum is right here ;D.Look in the main
page and you'll find the BIG LOGO.)
looked back at the Bravenet services and it looks like as if it is going to
go back up. I'm hoping for it to get up soon. I check around sites finding banners
and I didn't have one!Well, I was making one late at night and this is the turnout
(I'm going to do MUCH more just like Eric Roman's quantity):
time has been going slow lately. It's been bad right now. Sorry. Well I'm going
to try to keep my Final Fantasy site that I have to make for a friend which
I joined his RP and I'm doing the website and as I'm doing this and thought
of a design just like MrP's site, but different custom other than just titled.
I hope this turns successful, see ya.
bad news everybody. Seems that my guestbook from Bravenet.com has been down,
and so has bravenet itself, so signing guestbooks will be from another service
until good old bravenet comes back. They'll be back, but doubt soon...
of the month has came, my friends. Also, I know have my bio up and stuff, check
and see Under
the Hood
of the Cryptkeeper to find out...about..none other than muah :D.
update book is up, of course! I'm soon to put my bio up like some wanted, and
I placed tables and rearranged a few things in the MIDI of CV so you guys and
girls wouldn't be confused if you check it out.
to send any contributions? Comments?...complaints? Then..
and all associated video games, music, characters, etc. are copyright by Konami.