![]() |
These are links of old
& brand spankin' new. If you wanna be here, you can e-mail me,
What do I care, what do I mind? As a matter of fact, your submission helps
the others find
the kind of specialty you got. So, please... if you have a Castlevania/Castlevania-related
site, then e-mail:
Make the subject having something of "Castlevania" or something
like that.
I'm sure I'll see the subject by having that aside from deleted (spam).
(P.S. E-Mail also if your site's here and if it has made any drastic changes
such as
address change, updating again if it was down for a while, mistake placed,
Castlevania, Up & Representin' (The sites that still thrive and thrill you.) |
Inverted Castlevania Dungeon (ICVD) |
Nothing more than home, sweet, home. At first, I would usually back away from these people when I'd never hear too many good things about Inverted... only personal reasons. However, I decided to just take a chill for myself and see how it would be. Turns out, I'm now bein' hosted by em'... specifically Darkmoon. So, here I credit. I think ICVD has gone a long, long way in so little time. Cheers! |
The Castlevania Dungeon | Out of all Castlevania sites that have lasted, this has probably has been the oldest one, and the most successful. Kurt updates in & out, as it is always up-to-date with basic game issues and news. There are some reliable sources that's good about Kurt, but that's all. To the most, he's still here. |
Mr.P's Castlevania Realm | Mr. Perfect's Castlevania Realm, has to probably be one of the most clever & informative Castlevania sites out there based on visuals and which really helps me alot whenever I have my troubles or questions. Mr.P's website was one of my inspirations to start the web designing and graphics. His site is a must-see, and no doubt one of the greatest in the list. |
III: Dracula's Curse THE PAGE!!! (DCTP) |
Just as he started with the CVI, DCTP's start was what made him big to just have inexplicable imagination to make DCTP to what it still inherits today and gives style to others. Without this, I don't know where I would be, as a matter of fact.. Unfortunately, in 2003, he stated that DCTP has made conclusion, but now roams back to the 'Caslevania Worldwide. It's currently on ICVD hosting, but there are thoughts if DCTP may actually continue again. |
Verboten X | Past in the chapter of Redemption, Verboten, is now on the ICVD. Unfortunately, from how as I remember, the network was more successful than anything else until it crashed. But, Verboten's PHP really makes his website more advanced than the common that stand and have died. |
Fernandez Appreciation Society (CFAS) |
This is the only fan club... err, society, I've found at all of Castlevania that ever existed. I mean, I took a look at Yahoo! ones, but they also want to represent Zelda, Metroid, Hitler, and other characters. Also, these are the first to have Castlevania 64 patriotism... Word up. |
Castlevania Interactive | This site came on originality, and I remember how it looked ever since I first saw it. The site seems more like a Castlevania fan's dwelling spot. It's a good place where you can send your Castlevania drawings, get your reviews, make reviews, just a fan haven. The site didn't discontinue; it has a full redesign, but Scott Helfrich quit. |
The Castlevania Treasury | Ambitious to make sources and features as big as The Castlevania Dungeon, elbryan(42) is hoping to make it big. The Castlevania Treasury is a pretty nice archive full of Castlevania information, ones out of ordinary, and some that are usually contributed. Currently, The Treasury's great, but not at the Dungeon level just yet. |
The Sanctum of Alucard | I mean, I'm just putting this site here because the copyright shows 2004. It may be automatic, but oh well. This site is a basic Alucard domain. If you're obsessed with the long-haired transexual... ahem, dhampire (juuuust kidding), then you'll certainly feel abit well accomodated. It's somewhere you can stick around for abit. But, I see no Genya. |
John & Audra's Castlevania Page | This site is an original Castlevania sorta site. This is basically towards all about game and reviews. Unlike the other sites, this has no complex menus or any of that. It's a pretty decent, but somewhere you'd like to get feedback to.. |
Castlevania: The Real Story | I was told by a friend about a new humor site out on The CV Ring. Just looking at the comics... it's personally real funny, but just as wacky within the comics. The webmaster comes in & out, but I don't blame him - since he is an underrated webmaster. But, his site ain't worth it. |
The Catacombs | Another Castlevania comic archive, it goes with the atmosphere of having Dracula X and Symphony of the Night atmosphere around the comics along with other bonus stuff than the comic strips. |
Ralphy's Nonsense | Owned by none other but the infamous Ralphy Boy/Lecacy Dude, his site brings more interactive stuff for fans in has Castlevania originality. Around The Castlevania Worldwide, Ralphy's a very creative designer and one hell of a true Castlevania fan. Don't forget to check out, The Castlevania Villa! |
Laura Belmont's Art Archive | Laura Belmont's Art Archive is a fanfic and art archive in which she displays her fan art of different fan-made characters based and inspired by her personal favorite series which include many femme fatales, including Castlevania's Sonia. |
Messing Up Drac's Turf | This is a pretty nice glitch site. It gives information on glitches in which you may usually find while playing Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. MachinegunSG's site is based on glitch recording, which there is quite alot of discoveries of em'. Now he's got glitches worked on Dracula X and the GBA Castlevanias. Screenshots included. |
Demon Castle 64 | This is my second website in which Gaibon & I have worked on for a very long time. It was in Angelfire for a very long time, in which we called it Castlevania Bloodlust, but it hasn't gained enough crowd. After Gaibon being busy with his work & personal life, we decided to split in which now I have it at ICVD now, and one day tend on putting everything I have and express to show Castlevania 64 & Legacy of Darkness rule. |
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow Citadel | The Aria of Sorrow Citadel is a pretty interesting site. I mean, I thought someone was going to hog up the site before he got ahold of it. But, mm.. nah. The site has fair design, but what drops it is since it seems PageBuilder style, which I believe could be much better. But, aside from that, I see that he's doin' fine. I just await much better. |
9ighting | This guy's a very impressive game developer and has basic, but original style. I'm hoping to try his games if he ever releases a hack. Although his site's displaying under construction, I know he's still around and active. |
Castlevania: Tears of Blood | First starting off as an RP done in word action style, towards storyline switching in the empty Castlevania Chapel, on The Castlevania Attic's Forum to just lay there, going to a 150 forum-members-in-a-day and then to die because of confusion is what Tears of Blood had. Right now, Verboten & I go back to the PHP and see if the audience will really come back again. The ToB resumes. |
Super Castlevania IV: The Page | This site is a project in which Gaibon has currently been working on lately and I think that this site of Gaibon's is gonna turn out real good. There is no other Super Castlevania IV fanatic that I know than Gaibon himself. Visit the site if you, too, are a fanatic yourself. |
Castlevania Central | Pretty nice site with interesting template. It's a general website to provide information and stuff basically on what your usual site such as Dungeon has. This claims that they don't want to 'compete',which is rightful. The site isn't average, it's very good actually. |
Brian presents: Aujang Abadi |
Well, I found this fan fiction just recently when I was looking around Castlevania sites. This fanfic and fan art site just seems to host a pretty interesting Symphony of the Night fan fiction by this person in which you may like. |
Castlevania 1970: Disco of Evil | Big chapter set of a Castlevania fanfic in 30 chapters done by several authors in which it also includes some interesting fan art sketches of the fanfic. |
The Snake's Keep | (Got the page linked to the Castlevania page) This site is pretty good and stuff. Gives some basic info, with an appeal of SotN. But, there's some other miscellaneous stuff, in which the author made an actual, handmade 3D model of Castlevania. Check it out! |
Obsession | Obsession's a very interesting designed website in which it's a Mathias and Joachim (of Lament of Innocence) shrine, in which is created by great artist, Akira Rodhernan. Suggested site to visit. Even in Spanish! |
Valhalla HQ | Another site of Akira's, to place most of her novels, fan art, info, and many other personal CV stuff in which you yourself would take liking of. You shouldn't miss this, it's worth to look for. |
Kujama v Kingdom | I really like this fan art done here. This is site basically of showing fan art illustrations of many different character self-made and on other characters including Castlevania, which the art is absolutely fantastic. Lots of fan art, a must-see. |
Siren Toccata | A Castlevania fan art website section of Angel_Ro's, you should really see this artist's fanwork which is absolutely dedicated and lots of Castlevania art. Layout is great, and so is the work. |
Dynakris Etc. | Eric Roman's art projects, Flash projects, notebook, and ideas are basically archived inside here. The presentation is absolutely nice, and original. Basically it's going around what's currently goin' on with ERoman, so check it. |
The Castlevania Ring | I mean, if you're a CV webmaster, then you already know this place. I used to be here until I didn't come around and just got kicked out... never decided to join again. When Castlevaniac was 'alive', he had about... 60 - 70 sites here. Now, it's under 30 and still draining. Most of the sites here are unknown or unpopular... or unalive. I guess it's okay if you wanna check it out. But, I placed most of the links here, anyways. |
The Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Ring | Okay, this is basically the same frickin' thing like CV Ring except it's ... smaller ... aaaand, there's no logo. That's it. If you want to go in, go right ahead. But, you're not missing anything special here. |
Castlevania Network | Something that Master Richter is working on, to make an affiliate site that will basically link participating Castlevania sites to the CV Network. He's hoping to get alot of links in, and this kinda sounds better than what CV Ring had. C'mon, CV webmasters, give it a try. |
Rendezvous: The Official Castlevania Series Fanlisting |
This site's just basically about pure affiliating with other Castlevania site's fanlistings. Apparently, this considered to be the official (and the first I've seen), this is to catch ahold of other Castlevania fanlisting sites (No surprise, there's an Alucard fanlisting site, too) to put them joined in which is looking absolutely cool. Come around and join em', it's lookin' great so far! |
Eric's Castlevania Comics | Has a few Castlevania comics in which they are pretty funny. Check it out, yo. |
Castlevania: the ???, Down, & Discontinued (Sites under idle condition, or worse - dead.) |
Castlevania Legacy | Owned by Vampire Exterminator Pixelite aka VEP,it ran originality and nice bonuses of a Castlevania website. What was usually popular here is the mugen and the animations. It's down right now, within the moment, because of server and update problems. But, VEP seems to still have hope on the Legacy and so do many others. |
Anapan's CV Files | Meanwhile he was around, most or probably all people including I until I got ahold of Bleem!, counted on Anapan's CV Files to get the ripped sprites in which he would get himself from getting into the games' databases and ripping them. I mean, everything went well, but he just went idle for a long while. Now, he's concentrated into his personal life and band meanwhile TPurcell is going to host the sprites. |
Castlevania Online | Another site that was run by Anapan, this site was supposed to be for programmers, spritemakers, and dedicators to help make the one and only Castlevania online game that would be made by fans and for em'. Unfortunately, there seems to have been no continue so far. |
Castlevaniac | Castlevaniac was one of the first sites I've seen of Castlevania that were real cool and one I actually looked up to. The guy friggin' owned The Castlevania Ring which was big then. But, the site was then goin' slow, disappearing on and off, and suddenly it just never appeared again along with Castlevaniac himself... they just keep leavin'. |
Berrigan's Chambers | Now I was a decent fan of Berrigan's Chambers when I checked it out. I would looked at it in & out, cause I really somehow loved the dedication that Jay a.k.a. SlograSaur made based on the dynamic duo, Slogra & Gaibon which inspired me to make them host a poll (in Attic's main page). But, running out of Symphony & DCTP fans, made SlograSaur lose his. I contacted him months ago. He's alive, to say the least, but he's doin' his thing w/o Sloggy or Gai. |
Castlevania Hell Fire | Broken Alucard had this as his first site. It was a normal Castlevania Geocities site that someone would make off of the (evil) PageBuilder. He was schemin' to get more people, though. Somehow, he got alot of people coming in his pad beating my count. He was my competition then. But, somehow he just quit, gave the site to Gaibon, and decided to work on the Vampire Hunter D project which, too, now lacks update. |
Brian's Castlevania | This guy had his site real nice and I would look at it in & out. Then, when I owned The Castlevania Basement, I so wanted to know how he had webpsace to get some MP3s of Castlevania. I e-mailed him about it, and he even answered me. But, I was too busy to check his website out then on since I was really getting gaining skills. Unfortunately, upon another occassional visit to his site, I saw that he wrote a letter to the fans the he quit it all. Damn. |
Zelda Wisdom 2000 | I was bored on AOL, and I decided to search on the AOL Member Directory and I found several people online and decided to talk them. This guy was one of them. I made the logo for him, and he was hoping to make a review site for several series including Castlevania. It's gone now, though. |
Kenneth's Castlevania Realm | This dude had a Hell Fire-like of a design, but what was odd is how I didn't even know him or about his site. I found him when Ralphy said about him. I looked around in his site in Google deeply and found it. When I looked in side, he had Ralphy's animated "Up Yours!". Also, seeing his description about mines and taking my backgrounds, I somehow for the first time, felt fandom since he did all this.I sent him an e-mail twice, but he never replied or updated. |
Castlevania X | This English/Italian site I would usually check out when I was on my out days in websites. This site was pretty cool, just that it ... stopped when 'White Night Concerto' (or Harmony of Dissonance) ready to release. |
Structured Chaos | This site was pretty weird lookin' for a design. When I looked at the Castlevania page, I admit that it had some pretty funny assets & images. Although, it seemed really old. I admit it was original. |
Castlevania: Rough Sex in the Moonlight |
I think RSitM was real good. Rough Sex in the Moonlight is a comedy site with SotN stuff. I think the webmaster was in no shame cause I really liked the comedy here. Last update he had was in August, and that was all from the Ratzuo. |
CastleMania (1) | This was a pretty organized comic site. I suppose this site was worth very good comedy along with LOL sorta styles and ratings. I've seen SkaHott Kun in & out, but his site is no doubt discontinued. Been updated since years. |
CastleMania (2) | Personally, I think Jimmy Mnemonic's comics were absolutely hilarious, but I just think it sucked alot at the fact that he barely had a thing in (his) CastleMania. He left CM alone and now runs Angry Robot. |
Return to Castlevania | This website had original design but had it's original purpose to serve Castlevania fans with archiving Castlevania art, from Symphony of the Night to recent, & even Ayami Kojima's art. Slowly, some things weren't available and now... the site isn't. |
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlines | Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlines, was yet another site that was created by Broken Alucard to make up his skills of what he believed he wanted to continue. It seemed to be running quite fine. But, history repeats - no recent updates. |
CastleVania HQ | Out of the sites that only make purpose and domain about one game such as this one somehow seem to always die (I'm trying to make Demon Castle 64 avoid that). This being the first since it's well...based on the first CastleVania, it had pretty nice info and lots of screenshots along with original design about the Castlevania of em' all. But, like what I've been seeing to all these sites, updates lack! |
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge Tribute Different versions: (Scott H.'s/Eric R.'s) |
Now this site was apparently created by Scott Helfrich & Eric Roman. It seems like a pretty cool one, I gotta admit. I looked all around the site and it really got me catched. Belmont's Revenge is my personal favorite of the three Gameboy Castlevanias, so I got good look on this one. But, looks like the site just ... discontinued. Was it b/c of Scott? |
Castlevania Bloodlines | Now out of all games, upon lookin' while I still placed links before, I didn't think someone would have made a Castlevania site out of this game out of the others, no offense. It's just the irony, that's all. But, this site was real cool and I liked it's design alot. Just the site being discontinued, is what finished the Bloodlines. |
Bloodlust (formerly known as Castlevania Outer Wall, now known as Super Castlevania IV: The Page) |
Gaibon first had this site as his, and I actually remember how it was when I first saw it. I decided to help him out by just makin' the banner, but it then lead up to even becoming co-owner of the site. But, he was getting real busy, as we were developing Outer Wall into Bloodlust, which formed Demon Castle 64 now run only by me. This site was goin' real good, but when Gaibon gave it quits... I didn't want to give up Castlevania 64, so here I am, continuing alone. |
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon | This site was pretty cool when I first saw, and I thought it had nice set of designs of what Vic did, although it was the same as the rest of his sites. The info was pretty good and everything like this other sites, cept' this was the first to discontinue. |
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance | Yet another work of Vic Rattlehead and the Gaimphax (in whom I never spoke to), the site gives basic info and other stuff based on Harmony of Dissonance. The stuff is basically designed like Circle of the Moon, but cept' it's a different game, of course. This site discontinued, too. |
The Castlevania Terror | I thought this forum was somehow interesting, since it had a bunch of sections to choose from and I really liked it's basic colors and design based on Castlevania 64. But, such a forum needed much more people to get the sections to actually be used and stuff. Unfortunately, the times I occassionally visited, didn't see it coming. For that, I believe Orlock25 (the creator) just left it alone, as it's down. |
Castlevania: Dracula's Farce | This site is what I found inside a guestbook signature by the webmaster, apparently, when my girlfriend was reading me the posts I had there. Surprised to actually not have found the site before, I believe this site was decent for a comic site and still have hope that it may come back for an update since last August. |
Castlevania Kingdom | This site is a pretty nice site which gives information basicallywith an okay set of Castlevania MIDIs, a Castlevania 64 walkthrough, average set of CV art, but having an SotN appeal for a site. It's okay, but no updates. |
Den's Castlevania: The Bloodletting Strategy Guide |
Darkhugh's Den's strategy guide is just a nice written walkthrough with several images all based on Symphony of the Night to help your @$$ on the whole basic help and set of written guide of SotN. But, there hasn't been changes. |
The Castlevania Saga | The Castlevania Saga is a very interesting site which has nicely designed stuff and it's design is absolutely original. I liked how this site looks. It gives a nice, decent set of Castlevania info, but hasn't been updated for over a year. |
The Castlevania Bathroom | This Castlevania website was pretty old and I remember to have been passing by it ever since I got introduced to Castlevania on the net. This site is pretty good. Although it seems average, it has a small set of many things, including humor, rants, & miscellaneous. It had a redesign, but stopped after. |
Biserica Basm | Now I thought this site was real cool when I first saw it. It's Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse style with a gothic touch. This Flash site has a whole bunch of art, info, a tarot card game,and other fan sets of cool stuff, something a Akumajo Denetsu fan would enjoy. However, it's Japanese and plus, it's in this category - ... last update was 2001. |
Alucart Sword | This Castlevania site, too, in Japanese seems to have looked like an Alucard fan site when it seems that it was a site about anime conventions, having Castlevania fans included and in credit that show description as well. Unfortunately, last update, was 2002.... not too far from Biserica Basm. |
Sanctuary Castle | All I basically see that this Japanese Castlevania related out of this website was this only art of Lisa, and enterting it looked as if the site was probably outdated, for it's copyright only showed up to 2003 and a notification before. |
Op. 13 | Well this Japanese site seems more of review and guide site about several Konami games which includes itself of Castlevania III and Kid Dracula, I think. Buuuut, that's it. |
Ruins of Castlevania (1) | Decent, European Castlevania site which just gives another set of Castlevania and misellaneous related stuff. It's okay to just come and pass by here is all my thoughts on this. |
Ruins of Castlevania (2) | This Ruins has a pretty cool set on the theme and content. Gives old info, FAQs, some stuff are empty, but there's a good set of SotN and CV64 art, including some great fan art of them. |
La Biblioteca di Babele | I think that this is more of a fan site that has different sets of info and stuff by the author, and also with Castlevania III fan art, info, and fan fiction, if I can see correctly. |
Castlevania Corner | Castlevania Corner had a pretty nice design in which I believe a Castlevania forum never had one since ICVD's Forum's 3.0. Also, it was a first time I saw it on a place elsewhere. Unfortunately, due to personal feuding, CVC has been tampered with and is planning to move until then. |
Castlevania Fan Site: Resurrection | Castlevania website that just gives a whole bunch of old news based on the cancelled Castlevania Dreamcast game, Castlevania Resurrection. Screenshots, a movie, review, and even a petition to sign to bring the cancelled game to an action. I mean, I'm not sure if it'll take effect, but it's patriotic, isn't it. |
Oka Akane's Homepage | Has a nice set of contributed Castlevania fan art, made icons, and some Castlevania costume play in there. It's a pretty nice archive! |
The Castlevania Basement | The opposite of The CV Attic - dead & unpresentable. This was my first Castlevania site ever. Designed by Geocitie's PageBuilder, I still wasn't satisfied with how the site was comin' out. To think, I even stole Mr. Perfect's background. Not taking it anymore, I slowly was continuing leading to what lays now and still grows. See what/where Attic was.. |
Castlevania: Heretic's Grave | Unfortunately, this site seems to have just fallen down on work along with Return to Castlevania after their host, Demajen, switched from .com to .net. I decided to investigate and looked into the directory. They still had this site. The site was very good and informative based on the three GBA Castlevanias. But, what happened, happened. |
Castlevania 3 Win. 95 Theme Pack | I would just see this site in and out when I haven't started The CV Attic yet, and it would basically be supplying Castlevania III icons and backgrounds and other stuff to have a Castlevania III desktop theme on your computer. ... it's dead now. |
Castlevania Chapel | Dorakyura (a.k.a. Count Orlox) of ICVD, great companion of mines, and I, wanted to make Tears of Blood active. Well, I asked him to help me out, actually. The role-play was going fine and everything. But, due to my web work, I was idle. Eventually, other people went idle themselves or just lost interest. So, we decided to just stop and end ToB (at least I did here). |
Kris's Castlevania Page | A not so recent website, with not so recent news... okay, it's 1998. Basically about Castlevania 64 and news that was recent about it, along with pictures about the project with the drafts. I mean... Schneider Belmont, Carrie Eastfield, Kornel Reinhart, Kola ... wha?! But, yea, news before the real thing began with the whole whining about disappointment. But, news is useful, too. |
Annie's Symphony of the Night Page | I remember seeing this website for a while a long time ago. Seems that it just now stopped updating and whatnot. But, I don't blame this one, since it looks like... well, there's nothing more to talk about here. The site is real nice and everything, lots & lots of information on Symphony of the Night which could be pretty helpful. Even a huge set of fan art in which you could look at for a while of SotN. |
Keep of Trav the Impaler | As I've noticed, this webmaster really had a thing for low-quality jpg's. But, nonetheless, this site just basically provides several things on Castlevania, needless to say it's hard what to say about it. The info is average, but that's about it. |
Castlevania: Sailor Senshi in Moonlight | Small, but hilarious site that is apparently a crossover of Sailor Moon and Castlevania based on the fan's likings. But, it's a parody site in which I believe you'll like. Has some miscellaneous stuff there, too. |
The Castlevania Dome | Site's presentation looked promising that there was going to be something "within 6 months", but looks like it just stayed like this, well ... ever since. Site's purpose could have been something for a while. But, you can just look at the dead site. It's only two pages, really. |
Haunted Castle | Plain, Angelfire template. Has some useful Haunted Castle files and some other miscellaneous stuff. The site was supposed to include some ADX68000, too, but it stopped. |
Venus Weed's Garden | Another Castlevania message board, but in this which is dead as ... well, dead. Posts have last came friggin' three years ago... for all the sections! Too bad... |
The Forbidden Courtyard | Well, this one had small amount of info like fanfics, contributions, and other stuff. Also, the site stayed small. |
Dracula X Library | Japanese site, straight off the text information to guide on the Japanese SotN: Nocturne in the Moonlight. |
CCH Dungeon | In basic terms - a weird, disorganized, and corrupted version of Castlevania Dungeon piled up together into only a couple of pages ... but in Spanish ;). You're not missing a thing here, really... |
Bobby Zero's Castlevania Webpage | Real nice set of resources and files that you can get (and play), if you know what I mean, ;). But, there are other stuff here, although, small, but available. The owner was (and probably still is) planning to submit the site to someone willing, butI suppose nobody offered? |
Castlevania Art | A whole bunch of Castlevania art, animations, MIDIs, and other stuff which are out of the blue. It's lots of SotN and CotM art, though. By the way, good luck with the pop ups when entering. |
DraculaX.net | Site hasn't come up yet... and I don't think it ever will... *head shake* |
Gokuma's Dracula X NitM Page | (Looks like) Complete info on Nocturne in the Moonlight including images that are first-time and look pretty cool. Check this one out, if you will for NitM. |
Jim's Castlevania Page | Has basic set of info and other things in which you could see at least a few, if interest comes. But, this site also kinda reminds me of The CV Saga... at least the bg & address do. |
Castle of the Midnight Sun | Now this site looks pretty interesting. Unfortunately, until then, it's having host problems. So, it's just under idle condition. Hopefully, it will come back soon. |
Castlevanian Nights | Has some other set of Castlevania art, personal info, and a fanfic made by the author, Ladi Alucard. The site seems idle now. But, then, I remember getting a response from the author herself. At least, it was then. |
Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness | Old site with basic info based on the game, Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness. I mean, I know if Demon Castle 64 comes, it would overcome this. But, this is just something for those who don't even know about Legacy. |
Castle Amber | Decent information and some miscellaneous stuff on Symphony. Too bad I can't see the fan art that's the "best on the net", though... |
Desivania: 2001 | Some pretty interesting info and images, including a timeline on the Count himself. You can take a glimpse at it. |
Dead List (You can't make a review about a site you have never seen or in which your memory's hazy to. R.I.P. to those here, as well.) |
Pijabros' SotN Page - Dracula Chronicle & Encyclopedia - Outskirts of Castlevania - The Catacombs of Death - Dance of Pales: Castlevania Quarters - Rainard Belmont's Castlevania - The Castlevania Classics - Castlevania: SotN in Mexico - A Small Niche for Alucard - The Beginnings - The Castlevania Project - The Castlevania Pages - Castlevania: Nocturnal Pulse - Castlevania Castle - Castlevania Sprite Archive - Castlevania: The Eternal Struggle - The Castlevania Lounge - Castlevania Hacks - All Your Heart are Belong to Us - Castlevania: Blood Moon Rising - Castlevania Creations |
Castlevania Worldwide: On the Other Side. (Up-to-date CV/CV-related sites non-English.) |
Castlevania.free.fr (La Bibliotheque) |
This French website is pretty good. It's has it own archive of images, chronology of the characters, art. I really liked it within the time I was seeing it. I think this whoops alot for a French site, too. |
Dracula Xtacy | This Japanese Castlevania website serves as a Rondo of Blood haven, giving info, images, & design about the whole game itself that also carries alot of the Castlevania females' appreciation with the webmaster's art, which is very talented. However then, he used to have alot of Castlevania hentai, but no longer hosts it. |
PM1987 | Well, looking around Japanside of Castlevania sites, I saw that this had banner sets of Castlevania i.e. Walter, Maxim, Trevor, etc. However, looking upon the site, I found nothing Castlevania related, but about the artist. Well, it's Castlevania related. But, Dorakyura told me it seems to redirect people who aren't under foreign address. Hmm... Well, I'll put this link, anyways. |
Junk J | This Japanese site seems like a personal site about the artist in which it has nice layout, and he also even hosts his Castlevania art which is pretty good. However, his rules with the art is pretty strict. So, don't steal. Good art site, though. |
Oedipus Complex | This site has a nice pretty good set of Castlevania fan art, and a real cute design. I like the site decently, really. |
Jack o' Pumpkin | This site has great set of art and it looks very nice. This has a good amount of art, and very well done Castlevania art. With this having Symphony and Harmony sort of theme, I like this one, it attracted me. |
Mondo Maniacs | Fantastic art site that goes from Castlevania up to Final Fantasy and other great animes and series. This having on side to Castlevania, it also gives nice info from it which is indeed original. But, they're now releasing many more interactivity. This is a must-see. |
Flight Blue | This site in which I recommend as another must-see, this has alot of absolutely great art, with alot of Castlevania, mainly of Castlevania III and Rondo. But, that shouldn't keep you from going. Although, it took me a while to find the Castlevania related page, I decided to put the gallery area just so you have no problems looking. Nonetheless, this site, too, rules. |
Dracula: Room of Frames (Gakubati No Aruheya) |
This is an indeed original appeal of Castlevania. I mean, I see that the webmaster really took liking into the Castlevania in which majority has never even played or liked: Haunted Castle, Castlevania III, and Belmont's Revenge. I liked seeing the images. But aside from that, bleh.. |
Castlevania Memorandum | This site is absolutely cool in it's design and looks very nice, I believe. It has basic info about what Castlevania games have been coming out and what about them, and gives up-to-date info from the official side. Also, it comes with other such things like real cool art and whatnot. |
Black Library | This is a pretty large set of novels and fan fictions which includes Metal Gear and Castlevania. It's a pretty nice place if you like yourself fan fictions. |
Heaven Tower Syndrome | This is a fanbased site where it seems that people would place Castlevania fan art here and have BBS's and chats about it. Decent, but not as much fan art. |
In the Dark | This website also came in English! Now that's a miracle. However, it has more Japanside information about the page and art than English. This site has lots of art and has the author anime designing. The site has gothic layout and has some Castlevania and Castlevania-related upon it. |
Changing | This site seems to have a nice set of several series and movies that have great costume play. One of the cosplays involve with Dracula's Curse, which is absolutely great. Also, I found some fan art which is real good, and even a Disney costume play. |
Castlevania: Endless Curse | I really like how well designed this Spanish Castlevania site is, I mean, the design is very nice. The info, is basically showing about if you need help or walkthrough towards Harmony or Aria and interactive stuff applying to other games. |
Castlevania Legends | This is a pretty decent European (Italian, probably) site which just gives info of all sorts of Castlevania stuff, and lots of micellaenous info, too. I think the site's alright. |
Jack Blynes | Well, call this a Vic Rattlehead Castlevania site with some info of SotN, CotM, HoD, and AoS, and then some. It's a pretty decent site, just with average information. |
Gang 404: Castlevania | I suppose this is just a site displaying about Castlevand several projects this team has worked on before and some animations along with other Castlevania hacks. |
Sefirot Renascent | Lookin' around the fanlisting sites, I've found this. It's a personal site about this person from Spain, however it looks pretty cool and has Castlevania relations, at least with the person. I guess you can really stay comfortable if you know Spanish, but aside from that, it's cool here. |
Linnavaanijat | A European Castlevania site which gives nice set of info on all the games that have been released - review, screenshots, and more. They even have several soundtracks if you want some there. I like this site very much. |
Castlevania: the Legacy | The site seems to be in Italian language, just about an OpenGL 3D made Castlevania game with 2D aspects, in which it is pretty cool, and would be good for you to try out. |
Vampire Killers: Castlevania | Pretty nice information of Castlevania stuff in Spanish. It updates in & out. In which so, is good to come in & out. Good stuff. |
Castlevania Holy Bible | Good set of Castlevania information and has a real cool layout. Japanese site. You can have alittle fun looking around here. |
Castlevania |30|\|(_)$!!!111 (Castlevania games & miscellaneous.) |
Parovadius | This is a beginning of the game that was what Eric combined based on the games of Contra, Parodius, Gradius, & none other, but Castlevania. This has proven to be an entertaining and interesting Castlevania Flash to most of The CV WorldWide, but if you see this, it'd be time for you to judge. |
Castlevania: The Final Battle | A pretty original, basic game for Flash users or anyone to battle Count Dracula from the NES Castlevania instead of sweating from all the bosses. It's pretty fun, I think. |
Castlevania II: Priest Battle | This is a pretty funny parody & game of Simon's Quest. I think the game is cool, but it just gets weirder and weirder... but, I think the game was still hilarious. |
Castlevania Bloodway | A Flash game of Castlevania, you're basically playing as "Ethan Belmont", son of Richter Belmont, to just basically destroy Dracula once again. What's interesting is that this looks like the alternate (Sega Saturn) version of Richter, spritemade just going along the Entrance Hall. The game may pretty slow and hard, but it's okay. |
Super Castlevania 2: The Site | Super Castlevania 2's pretty much an NES hack of Simon's Quest, in which it has stuff that may look cooler, and just plain weird. But, you'll have fun playing for abit. |
Ieyasu's Castlevania Page | Has a bunch of links to different sorta sites which may not really matter upon this section, but has this Castlevania Clone game in which you may try out. Looks weird, though. |
Castlevania: Chalice of Infidelity | Interesting... A Castlevania Java game. The game looks pretty cool and everything, I think, but... I can't really move or anything. I guess this would be temporary for now. Try yourself. |
Castlevania Music (Highlight if there's any trouble reading.) |
Video Game MIDI Music | A nice MIDI archive site which has alot of composed MIDIs of many video games including Castlevania. |
OverClocked Remix | OverClocked remix is an awesome, awesome site which fans & DJs contribute their remixes based on games and for them. |
Goat's Castle | This is a real cool website in which the artist, known as Goat, makes different music renditions based on different video game projects in which several are done, in great composition from Castlevania games. Also, some of his music is contributed in OCRemix. But, check here first, instead, if you may. |
The Minibosses | This is a website about the band, the Minibosses. They're a band that basically remake classic NES game soundtracks into metal,which they include all the Castlevania games for NES. I think this is one that is a must-hear for you fans. |
Castlevania Forums & Message Boards (Nuff' said.) |
The Castlevania Attic Forum! | Where Ralphy Boy, Bloodreign, Master Ace, and I look over and take care, and of course place for the fans of the greatest series ever created, Castlevania. Lots of good places to choose from, and with social taste from different styles and people, alittle sugar from RSU, alittle spice of the ICVD... and a boot to kick. I, as the creator, will just tell you to join. |
ICVD Forums | The great forum of the Inverted. I mean, it's not as ill & crazy like it was before back in the EZBoard days, but all I say to you, is just be yourself & don't be stupid. They don't really care much with people who got 'RSU/newb-attitude'. |
Castlevania Dungeon Forums | Also known as RSU (or Right Side Up Forums), and the forum of the actual site that still beats, The Castlevania Dungeon, you'll like this forum very much if you're new. Administrated by Ed Oscuro and a great Castlevania fan & contributor, Jorge D. Fuentes, RSU is a great chill place. I mean, that's especially if ICVD blew you ;). |
III - Dracula's Curse: The Message Board!!! |
Castlevania 3: DCTP's forum. Back then, when I was around, it pretty full and real stable. But, ever since 10/03's announcement, things have gotten much quieter. You can talk here, no doubt, cause it's always available, fortunately. |
The Blah Blah Round Table | The Blah Blah Round Table is one of the friendliest places I have ever found, in which I did on Google from another deep Castlevania site searching (that's another hobby). These guys were friendly with me from the start, and it's a great forum to sociallize in, great place. |
Konami Message Board | A decent hangout in which it is Konami's official message board where you can basically post around about any Konami games that has been released, which Castlevania, without a doubt, includes. |
Castlevania Realm | It's a nice place to go in for abit and chill. This is fresh Castlevania message board right out of the box administrated by Master_Richter and by Simon Belmont. I go there as moderator in & out. Also, there's a battle system being made now. Check it out, yo. |
Castlevania: Disharmony | Another Castlevania role-playing, except the way I was raised to do it when I was back in the AOL-RPing days. I like the fact I got fans around that do this still, because I felt alone having an AOL RPing chat as "Castlevania" and nobody came. But, it's seems like a great place to RP. Enjoy. |
Linnavaanijat Foorumi | Forum of the Linnavaanijat site, go check it out and talk abit amongst what's on your mind, just leave it pure Castlevania. |
The Video Game Museum Forums | Well, here lays Mr. Perfect's own forum, in which you can talk all about Castlevania and all that crosses on your mind. I mean, it ain't as popular as other forums, but it's still okay to just pass around, and it's after all, Mr. Perfect. |
The Gab Table | Okay forum to pass by, in which it's CFAS' forum and would be good for ya to go around if you're a Carrie fan, Castlevania 64/Legacy of Darkness fan, or just want to go somewhere quick out of the blue. |
Aria of Sorrow Citadel Forum | This is Cain's forum of the Aria of Sorrow Citadel. You can join and come around here, if you'd like. It isn't real popular because the site gets under idle condition alot, but at least you can register and post here. |
Castlevania: Tears of Blood | First starting off as an RP done in word action style, towards storyline switching in the empty Castlevania Chapel, on The Castlevania Attic's Forum to just lay there, going to a 150 forum-members-in-a-day and then to die because of confusion is what Tears of Blood had. Right now, Verboten & I go back to the PHP and see if the audience will really come back again. The ToB resumes. |
Super Castlevania IV Forums | Gaibon's forum of Super Castlevania IV: The Page. He's got it started and I'm sure it'd be greatly appreciated if you started to freshen it up and post love for the greatest Simon Belmont game.. ( well, I think Super Castlevania IV's good >( ). |
Castlevania Central: The Forum | Castlevania Central's own forum, in which looks pretty cool and nice to hang out. Come and join CVCentral's forum if you got the time. |
Castlevania Online Forum | Well, although the site is really idle and everything, I still decided to put this one in. This is where the staff and fans would contribute and talk about their stuff based on Castlevania Online or just, CV itself. I mean, they are and were great ideas around here. But, who knows what would be left of them. |
Castlevania: Officials Don't Lie. (CV Official Sites) |
Konami | Well, I'm not going to write much about this company. I mean, you frickin' see their name in about every page on my site because I have to do it, and also you should know how a company site is, just filled with advertisements on their products. But, whatever. It's Konami ;P. |
Castlevania | The "official" site of Castlevania, Flashworked, in it's very own. It basically gives 'official', 'correct' information based on Castlevania and of the same material starting from Circle of the Moon. |
KonamiTYO's Castlevania | Well, if it's personal recommendation into where should you go if it's official things about Castlevania, it's here to go to the indivual sites of the other recent CV games starting from Harmony. Enjoy. |
Treasure Inc. | Apparently, this is the team who were before Konami and made the first Vampire Killer (the game, I mean o_o), however quitting to make a sequel where Konami stepped in and makes now. The team helps design towards several companies now. |
Castlevania.de | Basically, an alternate Castlevania 64 website. Here are some stuff you may find kinda cool if you're a CV64 fan and haven't seen this. But, there are some information here that's... kinda weird. False, true? But, it's an official site. |
Castlevania Chronicles | Surprisingly, Konami still has hosted Castlevania Chronicles' website. Decent info and images based on the last solo game of Simon Belmont. |
Lament of Innocence (European) |
Pretty nice set of Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. Check it out. Has a good set of clean art, information and other stuff. Could really help out depending outside of English. |
Cellphonevania (Japanese only) |
Official site based on the Castlevania game, on a cell phone (VodaPhone, that is)! Graphics look real cool - it has ADX68000 style. See how it looks. And don't miss that Zombie Kun! |
Castlevania: for PalmOS | Looking around, I found this site. Looks like a pending project which is going to be worked on - Castlevania for PalmOS. It only has one screenshot and small caption. But, why not see? |