
Article Archive


  • Pitch Black
    • A low-budget alien horror flick directed by David Twohy and starring Vin Diesel, this movie is much better than it has any right to be.
  • The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury
    • This oddly styled anime bridges the game between major studio releases in the series. It's heavy on action, but light on substance, making it feel inessential to the franchise.
  • The Chronicles of Riddick
    • This big, overblow sequel provides easily three movie's worth of content but can't really focus on any one story well enough to make for a compelling whole.
  • Riddick
    • This third theatrical sequel takes a back-to-basics approach for Riddick, dropping him on a barren planet about to be overrun with aliens. And it works so much better than the prpevious sequels.

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